Thursday, April 9, 2009

Web met his friends!

Web spent an exciting weekend hanging out with and meeting all of his friends. We also got way too cute pictures taken of Web, Andrew and McRea. It was McRea's first birthday and Web's very first birthday party.
We went to Columbia Thursday night and spent time with Uncle Bolton. Friday our big event was getting the pictures taken. It was also Leslie's birthday. Leslie and Jeff met Erik, Whitney and I at the Governors mansion for photos. The kids all did great. That night we went out for Leslie's birthday and it was fun that we actually got to be together for a birthday.
Saturday was the birthday party and the reason we were all together. We were all very disappointed because Mandy, Thom and Ford were supposed to come but little Ford got sick. At the party Web got to meet Lauren's sweet boys, Will and Tuck. Will was as usual SO adorable. Tuck is a very cute, sweet little guy and he and Web will be great friends since they are closest to each other in age. The party was lots of fun, although McRea, Andrew and Web slept through part of it.

It was so much fun to have all the kids together and for Web to have finally met all his friends!

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